Monday, February 15, 2010

Vancouver Recap

I have been trying to get information to everyone as best I can; everything is happening so fast and I want to make sure that I experience as much as I can! So, I thought I might recap the past few days in a little more detail for you to go along with my posts.

I would have to say that the highlight of this past week has definitely been walking into the Opening Ceremonies! What a rush! I tried to get right up front because I knew there were a few opening ceremony parties that were hoping to see me. I was in the second row and from what I hear, I think I did get some TV time. What did you think of the outfits? The funny thing was as we were waiting to go in, we were all trying to stay cool (go figure)! We had a thick sweater and down jacket, thinking the ceremonies would be outdoors, but as you know they were inside!

We started in the village and then were bussed over to the hockey arena. We were held here for about 30 minutes before we were escorted to the GM Arena. We had to walk under the stands until we reached the opening where we would march in. The excitement was in the air: we had chanting wars with the other countries! We all shouted "U S A"! Then the next country would start, then the next and so on. Then the moment came to enter the arena and it was so facinating to enter as an athlete! I took a long video of the whole thing and when I'm allowed to release it, I'll post.  It was great to share this experience with Jill as well =). I'm so proud of her!!

My first race was the 5k and I finished 14th. As I entered the middle of the ice to warm-up, I was thinking wow, this is it! There was a count-down clock by the starting line to show the Starter when to begin the race because of the replay and commentating between races on TV. As I mentioned before, I knew being paired with Canadian Denny Morrison was going to make the Richmond Oval loud and it was! My coach Paul Marchese was able to be on the pads for my race. I can't tell you how happy that made me-he has worked with me for so long that he knows what information to feed to me like no other coach can. That was very cool!

My grandparents arrived a few days ago and are able to stay until I skate my 1500m race. They were in the stands to watch me race my 5k. I am so happy that they came! After my race I called them because I didn't know where they were sitting. Once I found where they were, the TV cameras found them also and put their picture up on the big screen in the rink! Everyone could see us talking to eachother. I enjoyed seeing that! I was able to meet them after the races and we walked together as I made my way to the bus. We had the chance to catch up for a bit. They are so awesome!

I went to see Jill race her 3k and was cheering GO BABY GO! =) She did amazing! Be on the lookout for her next race and send your prayers her way!

Until next time!

Stay Strong, Stay Positive!


  1. its funny, but we should be telling YOU to stay strong and be positive. Not the other way around....

    After all, we have the easy part, sitting on our couch at home shouting GO TREVOR!! at the TV screen as you are trying to skate freaky fast laps..

    So I shout it right back, STAY STRONG, BE POSITIVE

    I am curious, in your 5k, I noticed a lot of the top guys try to drop lap times into the 29's about halfway through, kicking it up a gear, trying to get on the medal stand, I noticed you do that about halfway through as well..

    Was that intentional? It looked like it hurt something fierce.. Every athlete was in serious pain, even super Sven. I've never seen Fabris hurt & blow like that... wow...

    My hat is off to everyone who faces a 5k at ludicrous speed...


  2. We're all so proud of you Trev and Jill too. We screamed, jumped up and down and prayed while you raced! So many friends and family are rooting for you back home, you can't even imagine! Give grandma and grandpa hugs for us and best of luck tomorrow and Saturday. Do it for the kids Trev! You're they're inspiration and will be for years to come!

  3. Hi Trevor, So cool to read your stories! I'm brazilian but I was screaming "go trevor" all the time. Have you ever imagined that you had a brazilian gal wishing you lucky? You did a great job! Have a nice day

  4. Hey, Trevor!
    This is just another Team USA/Olympics fan from Chicago! I just wanted to express my appreciation to you and other athletes who blog/twitter in real time about your experiences in Vancouver.

    It's been such a treat following young talent like yourself representing to country in speed skating on the long track. Can't wait to see you tomorrow on the 1500m.

    Do you plan on watching some other events, too?

    Best of luck!

    PS. Are you really a Red Wings fan? I see you wearing Red Wings year a lot. Being from Chicago, I have certain sentiments about that team! haha

  5. Hey Trevor,

    Good luck at the Team Pursuit on Friday and Saturday. Do you know if you will only compete against The Netherlands in the finals or maybe sooner because, I saw that on the Quarterfinals it's something like #1 - #8 and so on.
